谈革命:司各特·莱许 vs 欧宁

317日星期六下午12:001:30 ,在北京798艺术区
伦斯当代艺术中心,《天南》文学双月刊幸地邀敦大学金匠学院教授司各特·Scott Lash),与主编欧宁一起,就第6革命的主题展开对话,梳理从巴黎公社到西班牙内、从情景主五月 、从墨西哥帕塔民族解放到西雅反世直接行、从阿拉伯之春领华尔史脉,探左派理、新安那其主、公民抗争和另全球化践的关系。


2012-4-4 3:34:38Bryan
I love these articles. How many words can a woridsmth smith?
2012-4-4 3:34:40Bryan
I love these articles. How many words can a woridsmth smith?
2012-4-4 14:41:00Bryan
The prucheass I make are entirely based on these articles.
2012-4-4 3:34:38Bryan
I love these articles. How many words can a woridsmth smith?
2012-4-4 3:34:40Bryan
I love these articles. How many words can a woridsmth smith?
2012-4-4 14:41:00Bryan
The prucheass I make are entirely based on these articles.


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